Gouda Cheese

Firm cow’s milk cheese with a mild, slightly salty flavour and an elastic structure. It’s often eaten fresh, granted as a garnish, or melted into cooked food.

Red Wine Vinegar

Add more depth to your salads, marinades, roast vegetables, steaks and pickles with the smokey, sharp and tangy flavour of red wine vinegar. 6% acidity.

Storage: store in a dry, cool (18°C) & dark place. Keep refrigerated once opened.

Walnut Halves

Walnut halves are rich in antioxidants, super plan source of Omega-3s and support healthy aging.

There are two grades of walnuts that we have; Grade A (80% whole halves and 20% pieces) and Grade B (30% whole halves and 70% pieces).

Storage: chilled (0°C – 12°C) in an airtight container.

White Wine Vinegar

White wine vinegar adds a fresh tang to your palate with its 6% acidity. It’s commonly used to make vinaigrette, marinades, pickle brine, tartar sauce, hollandaise sauce and many more. White wine vinegar helps to control blood sugar, reduce cholesterol, and it is popular for its antimicrobial property.

Storage: store in a dry, cool (18°C) & dark place. Keep refrigerated once opened.

Dried Porcini Mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms are a staple ingredient in Italian kitchen. Since they are a seasonal produce, drying them is one way to make these mushroom last all year long for cooking. Once rehydrated, they become slightly chewy and meaty in texture with earthy and umami flavour.

Storage: dry, cool & dark place.