
Flaxseed help to prevent diabetes, stroke, cancer, and heart disease. This super foods contain of omega-3 or good fat, lignans, and high fiber.

Hazelnuts (Size 13-15mm)

Hazelnut kernel is good for your heart, help reduce the risk of cancer and aid in muscle. Hazelnut have a sweet taste and can be eaten roasted, raw or ground into paste.

Organic Black Chia Seeds

Organic superfood , anti oxidants benefits

Organic Black Quinoa

As the most popular health food, Quinoa has high protein, and less calories. Originated from South America, quinoa is a perfect substitute for rice.

Organic Red Quinoa

As the most popular health food, Quinoa has high protein, and less calories. Originated from South America, quinoa is a perfect substitute for rice.

Organic White Quinoa

As the most popular health food, Quinoa has high protein, and less calories. Originated from South America, quinoa is a perfect substitute for rice.

Walnut Halves

Walnut halves are rich in antioxidants, super plan source of Omega-3s and support healthy aging.

There are two grades of walnuts that we have; Grade A (80% whole halves and 20% pieces) and Grade B (30% whole halves and 70% pieces).

Storage: chilled (0°C – 12°C) in an airtight container.