Artichokes (Whole) in Oil

Preserving in oil offers a delicate balance of sweetness and nuttiness of whole artichokes. Whole artichokes can be made into dipping sauce, sandwich, toast or pizza topping, or a side dish.

This product is imported from Italy.

Storage: Store in a dry, cool & dark place. Keep refrigerated once opened

Black Olives (Whole) in Brine

This product is imported from Italy.

Cucumber (Gherkins) in Wine Vinegar

Gherkins are similar to cornichons, since they are of the same plant. But gherkins are bigger in size. They are suitable for sandwiches, cheese platters, canape, or salads.

This product is imported from Italy.

Storage: Store in a dry, cool & dark place. Keep refrigerated once opened

Dried Gojiberries

Gojiberries is excellent source of antioxidants with anti aging benefits. It has chewy texture and popular as the topping of smoothie bowls, along with hemp seeds and chia seeds.

Dried Raisins

Dried raisins have soft and chewy texture with sweet flavour. Perfect to add specks of sweetness to your baked goods or desserts. They are fat-free and cholesterol-free, high in antioxidants, and an excellent source of fibre.

Storage: chilled (0°C – 12°C) in an airtight container.

Edam Cheese

A low-fat cheese compared to other traditional cheese. Commonly eaten on bread, crackers, or to accompany wines.

Frozen Acai Berries Puree

Join the hype of this high-antioxidant Brazilian super fruit. Boost your energy in a tropical way with this Frozen Acai Berries Puree’s fresh taste and smooth silky texture. With its deep tempting colour, it can easily be made into your vegan ice cream, smoothie bowl, and even baked goods.

Storage: Keep frozen (-18°C).

Gouda Cheese

Firm cow’s milk cheese with a mild, slightly salty flavour and an elastic structure. It’s often eaten fresh, granted as a garnish, or melted into cooked food.