Danish White Cheese (Feta)

Feta cheese has a distinct savoury flavour with crumbly texture. Feta cheese can also give delightful creamy texture for diping, sauces, and tapas. Feta cheese goes with many ingredients as it offers a fresh tang taste that balances out flavours. It’s commonly used in Mediterranean dishes.

Storage: chilled (max. 5°C), do not freeze.

Edam Cheese

A low-fat cheese compared to other traditional cheese. Commonly eaten on bread, crackers, or to accompany wines.


Flaxseed help to prevent diabetes, stroke, cancer, and heart disease. This super foods contain of omega-3 or good fat, lignans, and high fiber.

Frozen Acai Berries Puree

Join the hype of this high-antioxidant Brazilian super fruit. Boost your energy in a tropical way with this Frozen Acai Berries Puree’s fresh taste and smooth silky texture. With its deep tempting colour, it can easily be made into your vegan ice cream, smoothie bowl, and even baked goods.

Storage: Keep frozen (-18°C).

Gouda Cheese

Firm cow’s milk cheese with a mild, slightly salty flavour and an elastic structure. It’s often eaten fresh, granted as a garnish, or melted into cooked food.

Mozzarella Cheese Block

Mozzarella has a neutral-tasting, milky flavour with soft and elastic texture. When heated, it becomes melty and creates strings of melted cheese that we all love. Due to its neutral flavour, mozzarella cheese can be added to many different dishes.

Storage: chilled (0°C – 4°C) or Frozen.

Organic Black Chia Seeds

Organic superfood , anti oxidants benefits

Organic Black Quinoa

As the most popular health food, Quinoa has high protein, and less calories. Originated from South America, quinoa is a perfect substitute for rice.