Stoned (Pitted) Black Olives in Brine

This product is imported from Italy.

Mozzarella Cheese Block

Mozzarella has a neutral-tasting, milky flavour with soft and elastic texture. When heated, it becomes melty and creates strings of melted cheese that we all love. Due to its neutral flavour, mozzarella cheese can be added to many different dishes.

Storage: chilled (0°C – 4°C) or Frozen.

Danish White Cheese (Feta)

Feta cheese has a distinct savoury flavour with crumbly texture. Feta cheese can also give delightful creamy texture for diping, sauces, and tapas. Feta cheese goes with many ingredients as it offers a fresh tang taste that balances out flavours. It’s commonly used in Mediterranean dishes.

Storage: chilled (max. 5°C), do not freeze.

Pide Wide Bagged

This Pide bread has a crispy exterior yet a soft and chewy interior once warmed. You can add various toppings such as meat, onions, tomatoes, peppers, a variety of herbs and spices, and cheese. You can also make this bread into sandwiches, bruschetta, or simply a companion to dip into your favourite hummus, or any dipping sauces.

1 carton consists of 10 bags of Pide Wide, each bag weighs 430 gr.

Storage: keep frozen (-18°C). Once opened, keep in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Italian Grana Padano Cheese (12 months)

Specially made in the heart of Mantua Province in Lombardy, Italy, Virgilio’s Grana Padano is DOP Certified. This fragrant cheese is aged for 12 months, making it stand out for its rich and intense aroma, savoury flavour, along with its crumbly texture that melts perfectly on the tongue.

Storage: Chilled (0°C – 5°C).

Boneless Lamb Leg

A lean and versatile cut from the hindquarter of the lamb. This cut has the bone removed, making it the most versatile cuts of lamb for any occasion. It’s perfect for slow-roasting in the oven or slow-cooker.

Storage: Keep frozen (-20°C).

Peeled Tomato

Ripe tomatoes are picked and canned at the peak of freshness within five hours of harvest

Classic Flavour Extra Virgin Olive Oil

With medium flavour intensity, this Classic flavour extra virgin olive oil is very flexible in the kitchen. You can use it for many ways of cooking as it is the perfect match for grilling, sautéing, salad dressing, and simple dipping.

Storage: store in a dry, cool & dark place.